The Miteperch is a ground-breaking perch that eradicates red mite without the use of chemical treatments.
The mushroom-shaped perch offers birds a safe and comfortable grip, helping to reduce keel bone fractures suffered when birds overbalance and fall from standard perch tubes. Running beneath the surface of the perch are two low-voltage direct current electrodes, which create an impenetrable barrier, electrocuting the mite as it moves towards the perching birds at night.
The Miteperch was announced as the winner of the Technology Innovation award at the National Egg and Poultry awards 2019

The Welfare Perch ensures support and stability for your birds.
Unlike a standard round perch, the mushroom-shaped perch offers birds a safe and comfortable grip, helping to reduce keel bone fractures suffered when birds overbalance and fall from standard perch tubes.
Welfare Perch
The pecking pan is an environmental enrichment product with multiple benefits:
Encourages non-injurious pecking
Naturally blunts beaks
Source of calcium
The pecking pan contains a mix of sand, limestone and oyster shell for healthy bones, strong egg shells and efficient gizzards.
The pecking pan material was tested in a 2 year MSc study by the University of Bristol, which found that “pecking pans for chicks/pullets can provide a long-lasting environment enrichment which may reduce injurious pecking, reduce plumage damage and enhance bird welfare”.
Recommended at a rate of 2 per 1000 birds, the pecking pan can be suspended at crop height to encourage interest or placed on a stand on the ground. It is recommended that a small amount of feed is added regularly to encourage pecking.
Pecking Pan

Common uses of range protector are:
Beneath pop holes to clean feet before birds re-enter the house - helping to keep litter clean. Can be fitted on an angle to help easy movement in and out of the pop holes
Cover dug-out hollows to prevent egg laying and broodiness
Cover puddles to restrict access to dirty water and bacteria
Support grass regrowth in over-worked areas
Beneath range toys and shelters during periods of bad weather to reduce mud
Range Protector